Thursday, July 5, 2012

Oh Happy Day!

Hey ya'll!! I guess this is a day late, but Happy Independence Day!  Today is the day... we close on our house! It will officially be ours.  =D
 I cannot begin to express how happy I am and how thankful we both are for allowing God to show us this house and let everything fall into place! We got up early yesterday morning and went to Lowe's to get our paint then set off for our house!! After spending nearly an hour prepping, we set to work.  Layne and I painted from 11:30am to 7:00 pm!  Boy howdy, my neck, arms, and hands were killin me, but I enjoyed every minute and will keep enjoying it.  We finally called it a day and went a few miles into the "neighborhood" to meet up with our friends Dan and Michelle and hang out with a few others from their squadron.  So we ended our fourth of July meeting new people and eating hamburgers and brauts with the rest of the country.

 I've got to go paint now, but I'll most definitely post some pictures in my next post... the before and after shots! Oh, I'm painting some of the living room a deep, bright red (it's the "prawn" area if any of you know what that is!?!!)... what do you think?!

Have a wonderful Thursday and time with family! Off for round two of painting now! =)

tah tah,

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