Saturday, June 30, 2012

A Moody Week

Wow I can't believe I haven't posted all week! I'm so sorry! I guess this week has been a bit rough on me...not in a detrimental kinda way because I'm fine, healthy and all of my family is too.  My emotions have been a bit elevated though, due to Layne being gone a lot with work and us still living in the TLF, just WAITING (and waiting) to move into our house.  I only have one friend here, Michelle, and when she is busy I'm alone most of the day. Soo I've been doing the "get to know the area thing"; driving around aimlessly in Anchorage, going to stores, browsing for things for our house that I can't purchase yet... basically just killing time.  I workout whenever I feel like it, which is nice.  I purchased Jillian Michaels' new Yoga Burn DVD Wednesday morning and it was great.  Yoga is seriously my favorite new go-to for a good muscle burn without the incessant heavy breathing usually associated with cardio. ha! (cardio is still necessary, so don't completely skip it!)

Back to my main point- emotional basket case.  Me. Yup. I'm just so ready to be productive and working on our house; and not feeling lonely! I have a lot to remodel and can only read so many DIY magazines, endlessly search online pictures and tips, and pin things on Pinterest til my brain is numb! Luckily, an email from our awesome realtor Angela said that if all the paperwork comes back and the inspector is happy, we can get an early move in! Woop woop! Time to rip up some pee-saturated floors and get some new carpet put in! (That's just the first and most necessary project...)  Anyways, I'm much better now and know that it's only a few more days until we start the crazy-busy-awesome fun of moving into our very first home together! =D

 On another note and the main reason for this post is of the events that happened yesterday; the ruling of keeping Obamacare going.  Not to get too political, and know this upfront- I have a view and you have a view.  If we don't agree then sobeit, but I'm not here to debate politics or get in any confrontations, but I'm going to speak my mind and feelings.  I must say that I was very upset by the outcome from our Supreme Court.  I have always held a very proud and very honored stance for my our country, especially for the men and women who have proudly fought to give us our rights, and stood/stand united, fighting and believing in our freedoms.  But Thursday left me, yet again, humiliated...and mad.  Mad in a different way now. I am no longer just an onlooker into the lives of our military, I am part of it (though not in any way to be deserving a thank-you or honor).   I am now the wife of a military man, a man who dedicates his entire being to serving our country.  He is one of MANY.  I am now able to get on military bases and see the goings on inside.  One of my first experiences on base: I was walking out from the commissary and it was 5pm.  The National Anthem started over the loud speakers and everyone stopped dead in their tracks- cars even pulled over.  All eyes and bodies were looking at the huge flag flying overhead, paying respect and showing honor to what that flag, our American flag symbolizes.  I had chills all over my body and let me tell you, I couldn't have been prouder to be among these people.  Everyday, on any base you visit or live on, this happens.  There is a camaraderie amongst military members and their families like no other.  You are probably wondering what this all has to do with yesterday's ruling...
It made me mad because it is one step closer to the downward spiral this country is in and has been in, (even more-so in the last few years).  I was angry because I see firsthand now the dedication, the hard work, the unbelievably long hours, and the immense training many, like my husband, go through every day to be ready to protect a country that cares less and less about them.  The disrespect people have with our military, those who protect, serve, and defend our country, because they want "world peace" is infuriating to me.  They refuse to vote for good leaders and instead protest outside because they aren't collecting enough welfare.  They disrespect servicemen because they don't believe in guns or killing and want our troops pulled from areas where they are ultimately protecting our nation's soil.  I get it to an extent- I ultimately would love to see peace among the world and not have warfare.  At the same time, I think it's beyond foolish to be unprepared and make ourselves open to attacks of every kind.  This country has become so divided and so unbelievably and disgustingly "PC" that no matter what you say or how you say it you are offending someone.  If I talked about my love and passion for cheddar cheese and said all other cheeses were horrible compared to cheddar, someone would be offended and start some type of cheesy debate. (<-- no pun intended... ;P  ha!)  
If I remember my history correctly (ehem), our country was founded on GOD. "...One nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all." It was fought for with a pricetag so high it meant many soldiers' lives, to keep it FREE.  To keep it controlled by a government that wouldn't interfere so much that it would make decisions for us and tell us what we "have" to buy and what we "have" to use, etc.  By giving the government more control guess what happens- no more dreams of owning your own coffee shop or music store, or anything for that matter.  Oh, and if you have a job and work day in and day out (as um, ALL of our ancestors did, making us what we are today) well, the government gets most of the money you worked for so they can be nice and "fair" and ration it out to those who aren't working.  And in a good many cases, who aren't TRYING to work.  Hey, getting money and having to do nothing? Of course they're in! It's all just a bunch of crap and the ruling made us one notch closer to us swirling down the porcelain throne.  
It's July 4th next week and it breaks my heart that this is the only time you see the American flag around so much. It's also saddening knowing how many died for their country and the upcoming generations, only to see those generations disrespect it.  It's not big businesses that hurt us.  It's not military members.  It's not hard workers.  We are all hurting each other with this "feeling" that everyone deserves the same thing and it should be fair.  Fairness has an important role in life. Like justice, peace, war, sadness, joy, wealth, poverty, honor...the list goes on.  This is LIFE- and life isn't always fair. Like Ecclesiastes 3:1-13, "there is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under Heaven;".  Some may be rich, then poor.  Some may start out poor then become rich.  We ALL undergo hardships and trials.  It's called LIFE. We are all unique and with the original foundation of this country we are all given a chance to see our dreams come true- whatever they may be.  =)  
Ok- I'm OFF my soapbox.  No more politics. This is a happy blog. :P  But like previously mentioned, there is a time for everything, so I had have a right to be mad. haha.  I wish we could all stand united once again.  But many many many thanks to those who still believe in what this country stands for- what our flag represents, and what our military men and women and families sacrifice everyday to keep it a free nation.  Join with me in lifting up our country in prayer, every day.  I am sad to say that it took yesterday's events to again bring me to my knees and lift our country up and hand it over to God. 

Wishing everyone a wonderful Saturday and glorious Sunday! We are going to go catch some fish again and pick out our carpet from Lowe's tomorrow!! Woop woop! This time next week we will be official homeowners! ;)

tah tah for now (and please don't hate me for bringing up politics...!),


  1. AMEN!!!! Preach it sister!!!
    Thank you for sharing about our military!!!


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