Monday, July 23, 2012


*****( I wrote this post 2 weeks is old but wanted to still share! Updated posts to follow...!!)******
Holy sore body! Lemmetellya, remodeling, or just repainting an entire house is EXHAUSTING!! My hubby and I have literally been going at our new home since last Wednesday! (which explains my lack of posts!) I am happy to say that we are "done" painting, or at least done with painting the necessary areas before our new carpet arrives.  Our walls are textured, so we had to go over everything twice (and some areas more than three times!) just to fill in all the textured div-vets and ridges. We quickly realized that painting on textured surfaces required more than just your standard 2-coat process, it required an extra large dose of OMPH! That extra omph goes away quickly, especially in the higher areas that I can't reach.  I was disappointed at first I was not going to have time to work out, but that quickly changed! The omph took everything I had- my arms, my shoulders, my back, my whole core....everything went into each roll of the roller brush to apply this paint! After it's all said and done though, we are very proud to have done everything ourselves and did it together. =)  Here are some before and after pictures... (remember, this is only for the paint...nothing else has been done yet!)
Living room before (the walls are white)


My red accent Wall =)
fireplace before

My red accent wall fireplace =) (part of dining room and kitchen too)

Yesterday we tackled the dreaded floors. That job was ten times harder than painting. The smell, the ripping up the carpet, and the tedious task of pulling out the staples so we could Killz the floor was extreme.  Layne and I were both exhausted after that day was over. 
nasty carpet!
 But I'm so glad to have gotten the nasty carpets up.  Tomorrow we get our new carpet, so I need to sleep to prepare for the exciting days ahead!

Tah tah for now!

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