Thursday, June 21, 2012

Up In the Gym

Hey ya'll!  After being here and "settled" for just over 2 weeks, my anxiousness to get back into a steady program of working out has hit hard.  I am getting back in touch with my "fitness side" after being on a major hiatus for over a month and a half.  Believe it or not, this gal was only getting one maybe two workouts in a WEEK...that was no bueno for my body.  I gained 7-9 pounds! :O  For those who know me, I lost some weight almost two years ago just by taking my Advocare products (to add some nutrition I knew I wasn't getting in from my food).  Being steady on product I've maintained my weight ever since. My favorite product that helped me tone and tighten and "shrink" (as some people thought) was Catalyst. (We joke that it's lipo in a bottle!)  I switched up my workout style as well, which I believe helped me shed some pounds. Now that I'm in a place with a gym and having more time on my hands, I'm active again! wooo hoooo!!! I found a program on another gal's blog that I'm going to start doing next week, but it's from my FAVORITE magazine, Women's Health! So if you want to "Lose the Last 10 Pounds", then join me please!
As I was doing the stair climb machine last night before my yoga class, I was [breathlessly] pondering tips I could share with everyone from my experience thus far in the fitness world.  Here are my top five pointers I always share with my clients and friends alike: (they are in no specific order)

Tip 1- Strength Train! 
FACT: WOMEN CANNOT GET "BULKY" LIKE GUYS FROM LIFTING WEIGHTS... I repeat, you will not look like Arnold after lifting some dumbbells. ;)
FACT: strength training either by body weight or with additional weights actually CONTINUES to burn calories long after you are done working out! (So all my cardio junkies out there, you need to LIFT too!) If that scares you then do some research first or hire a friendly trainer like me who can TEACH you. =) There are great websites and magazines who give new exercises all the time.

Tip 2- Watch Your Form
I started out as an athlete, transitioned into an internship program with collegiate athletes, then became a trainer and this is a HUGE thing for me. Keeping proper form, especially when working with free weights (aka dumbbells) is absolutely crucial to A- not hurting yourself and B- achieving the best results from the exercise.  Keep a straight back, controlled movements within your body's range, and never forget to breathe! 

Tip 3- Knees Over Toes Is A Big NO! 
This goes along with Tip 2.  Whether you are doing squats, wall sits, or lunges of any type, your knees should never bend past your toes.  Watch your form in the mirror.  Ultimately your knees should stay right past your ankles. It's tough, but the more you work at it the better you'll get.This is a full 90 degree squat. The "perfect" squat!

Tip 4 - Core is Key
Having a strong core doesn't mean having 6 pack abs (though, why not strive for it?!) Core refers to not only your abdomen and obliques, it also means your back. Particularly your lower back. (Along with core strength, I think stability and balance are equally important.) While there are dozens of moves to strengthen the core, I'll just suggest a few. Try standing on one leg, with the other raised in front for 10-30 seconds. Switch sides and repeat.  To step it up after you are staying balanced with your leg in front, take your leg and straighten it in the back then hold. Another key core move that I always do are Planks. Great thing about squats and planks and balance can do them anywhere!!!!

                                Side Planks
Regular Planks

Tip 5- Get Moving: Something is better than nothing! Know that you don't have to log your entire cardio session at one time. You can do 10 mins at a time, spread throughout the day if you have to. Fast walk, jog, play tennis, climb stairs, go hiking, elliptical, dancing...whatever it is JUST MOVE! If you get bored on machines like I do, change it up! Go from one to the next, or do 10 mins, go strength train, then hop on something else for 10 more mins. Whatever you need to do to keep you going, get your heart rate up, and keep you entertained! Remember that any movement is better than none, and the faster and harder you move, the better results you'll achieve not only for your heart, but for the toning up of your body!

I hope you got some insight from some very basic tips of mine for working out.  There is SO MUCH MORE where that came from, but will have to wait. Have a wonderful Thursday. Now get out and MOVE!

Tah Tah,

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