Monday, June 18, 2012

That's Who I Am

So I haven't posted anything in a few days for a few reasons...
 1- I'm still trying to work out the "kinks" in the look and ease of my blog and well, it's been more than frustrating (the "bloggersphere" has been my enemy the past few days for sure). I apologize for the ever-changing background and looks, so please bare with me until I get it right! I have ideas of what I want my blog to look like, but just can't seem to figure out how to get it there...yet! ;)

2- We have been really busy with house stuff and exploring this wonderful state

3- I have had a lot on my mind (and non of these thoughts are related!)

From what I've read thus far, when writing a blog, it needs to have a purpose and a basic idea or theme to write about.  That may be easy for some to do, but I am a bit of a "multi-tasker"... at life! There simply isn't just one thing I enjoy the most or am passionate about the most. This whole thing started out with just having an easier way to share with friends and family about our road trip from Florida to Alaska, where we now reside. But I realized I really enjoy writing, and I was told my many (or maybe just a few) that I should keep it up.  So back to the dilemma at hand....what is the purpose of writing??

For those of you who don't know me here is a few snippits about myself (and why I'm not sure if I can write about ONE thing only...)
First and FOREMOST: I am a child of God and a daughter of Christ.  He is the center of my life, though I fail miserably everyday due to my sin in being a great example, but I'm glad he loves me anyway!
 *I am a wife and have a wonderful husband (we are newlyweds, so no babies yet!) and since he's in the military, we have a tough and adventurous life that's only just begun!

Our wedding: January 15, 2012
*One of my lifelong hobbies/passions has been exercising, and after many long years of saying "maybe one day", I am now a certified personal trainer. =)
*I also absolutely LOVE crafting, scrapbooking, and creating things. (let this not be mistaken for actual artistic ability, because I have NONE)
*I have found in this past year that I not only love to EAT food, I love to COOK food to! I look for healthy recipes and healthy alternatives to the same lovable comfort food you I just can't live without. (ehem, mac n' cheese, pizza, casseroles, and CHOCOLATE to name a few...)
Sometimes I just give-in to my inner fat-kid and make the unhealthy and delicious food. YUM. 
*I am very family oriented and I love being around people. (I have never held a job that wasn't in customer service of some sort.)
*I love traveling and want to go all over God's wonderful creation!
*My newest obsession is decorating my soon-to-be home, and thanks to Pinterest, an unbelievable website, it has only deepened my love for all of these things tenfold! :D

So there you have it... me in a nutshell! I think from now on I'm going to go against the norm and write about my life.  My experiences, insight to great workouts, great food, awesome projects, inspiring stories, living as a military wife, and my family.  As I become more familiar with computer systems and how to set up my page, it will be much more user friendly... I hope. *fingers crossed*

All that said here is a quick update on my weekend:

Friday Layne and I went to a dine-in movie with our friends Dan and Michelle.  It was really cool to eat dinner and watch a movie at the same time and I KNOW that this will be a spot we visit frequently! Especially when the tickets are only $3.00!

Saturday we met up with Dan and Michelle again in Eagle River and went on a 3 mile hike around Chugach (choo-gatch) State Park and then had lunch at a wonderful Italian/Greek restaurant.  The sights and experiences I've already had being here for 2 weeks is unbelievable. This really is "God's Country".  I lack the ability to adequately describe the beauty of it all.
Yes, I took this picture!
Layne and I then headed to our meeting with the home inspector and well, got a few surprises.  Nothing major, so we hope all will work out like it should, and sooner than later!

Sunday we tried out a church in Eagle River and I really enjoyed it. I so desperately miss having a church home and a place I can connect with and plug in to. God will show us the right place if this one isn't it! I know that no matter what, I can always listen to some of my favorite Preachers and their podcasts!!

Welp, I've typed enough for one night.  Thanks so much if you actually read my whole post and followed me this far.  This gal is tired and OH SO SORE! Time to join my sick, sleeping hubby in bed!

Tah Tah,


  1. I love reading your blogs! You keep improving it and it is looking good! I feel like we are all part of your move to Alaska! Love ya! Taye (mom)

  2. I love hearing about your new adventures!!!! Keep it up! Oh.... I miss you! :-) Christi

  3. You are so cute my sweet lil redhead! Oh, I mean ginger! Glad you educated me on what a ginger was. Love your posts. Miss you everyday!


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