Monday, June 25, 2012

A "True" Alaskan

Seward, Alaska

         Welp, it’s official… I am a true Alaskan.  I’ll get to the why later, but I guess it’s time to post a re-cap of our fun-filled weekend that started last Thursday night!
          Thursday I set off to meet Layne at his squadron for a going away party for the current commander, the infamous (and very tiny might I add) “Max” Moga.  He is the “golden child” of the Air Force and is often seen on the Discovery Channel’s various flying/military shows.  He was one of the first pilots to fly the F-22 and is unbelievably dedicated to his country and his family.  Arriving at the party I was in shock at how nice their squadron was! It doesn’t matter where you are at here in Alaska, there is always an awesome view to be seen. They had a wall of windows overlooking the runway and the “kennels” each Raptor is held in. After taking in the views, I started meeting some of the men Layne flies with, and then slowly started meeting their wives.  I could tell it was a very close group of people, and I was and still am hoping I will fit in (and soon!). There were lots of nice people and a few ladies I connected with quickly! (One is a personal trainer; with my same training style too!)  We ate, talked, and listened to Max’s farewell speech, then came home.  I was happy to have finally met some people up here. 
        Friday was another fun day.  It was absolutely gorgeous outside and HOT! The temperatures reached 75 degrees, and I was in shorts ALL DAY! :D  I brought lunch over to Dan and Michelle’s since there home goods had arrived at their new house, bought a kitchen table for us at the Salvation Army for $50 bucks (what what!!) and then got ready for the evening festivities.  Layne and I met up with some others from the squadron and walked to the NEW commander’s house for the traditional “roof stomp”.  I had never heard of such a thing until last fall when Layne and I started dating, and had no idea until Friday that wives were even allowed to go!  At the house, Layne and two other guys literally climbed atop the roof and stomped around, as they used to do “way back when”. It simply signifies to the new commander that the rest of the squadron is there and would like to be let in to welcome their new boss!! (This is a terrible description, but I cannot aptly describe the dozens of old traditions the fighter pilots still uphold. I only know bits and pieces anyways.) 
It used to be a surprise, but now it’s an expected event. So when the new commander, “Magoo” Davis came out to greet everyone, the party started.  And no worries, they had prepared plenty of food, drinks, and cake to go around! I re-met some of the wives, met plenty of new ladies, and we all chatted the night away.  Layne and I left around midnight, walking the trail back to our truck, in the sunlight!! 

   Saturday morning I woke up to a busybody husband telling me to shower up and to pack some clothes because we were probably not going to be coming home…but he wasn’t sure where we were going yet.  :P  So, I did what any wife would do… asked twenty questions! After saying “ummm Ok… can you not share anymore details?! *Pause* What do I pack? *Pause*  Do we need food? *Pause* Where are we going to sleep? *Pause* Are you even listening to me?!!!” I was answered with, “umm I’m not sure yet, but be ready. I’m working on the details. Oh and can you make us some breakfast?! ”  ha!  After packing furiously, showering, and cooking us breakfast, we set off to rent some equipment from the Outdoor Rec Center on base.  The ORC is awesome; you can rent almost anything you could possibly need for a camping trip/ski trip/ fishing trip/ice skating… you name it! So we rented some chairs, a fishing pole, and got my fishing license and off we went to Seward! It’s about a 2.5 hour drive from base, following the Turnagain Arm on the Seward Highway the entire time.  We arrived around 1pm to the campsite our friends Andrew and Lisa were at, threw our cooler in their truck, and drove to the ramp to meet up with two other guys who had the boat. They quickly got the boat in the water and off we went, into the wet, blue yonder! 

the sun just starting to fade... it was well after 9pm!

 After a painfully bumpy, spine shortening, and butt bruising hour and half boat ride out, we finally made it to the first area to stop and fish.   All I can tell you about our location was that it was breathtakingly beautiful. 

Bear Glacier

 Snow-capped mountains, small islands full of green trees, and beautiful crystal blue water surrounded us.  The space was pretty tight on our small boat, so I refrained from fishing most of the time.  I was just enjoying the scenery so I was happy to step back and watch.  Eventually though, I got a turn to fish and caught a Rock Bass. That marked my moment in becoming a true Alaskan! ;P (ok, so maybe I’m not actually an Alaskan yet, but it will happen soon!) Layne and the others caught plenty of fish and the time was pushing after 7pm, so the “captain” of the boat threw the anchor and started the skillet.  Layne began filleting the fish, and soon after we were smelled the sweet aroma of fresh grilled fish and crisp fresh air! While we sat enjoying our dinner (in the middle of the ocean), we were greeted by several sea lions playing nearby!  

Lisa caught an Octopus!

Some sunbathers we passed by! ;)

Lisa caught the biggest fish of the day!

Over a hundred times I thought how incredibly awesome this whole experience was.  The sea lions put on a show for us before we left, and Layne was joyously playing with one of them swimming around the boat! I was able to video a few minutes of this experience... so click on  Sea Lions to view it!

  We finally left the cute sea lions and started back to the dock (it was not as bad as the drive out, but pretty bumpy and ridiculous again).  I got to drive the boat for a while too! After docking, Layne had to finish filleting and cleaning the fish, so it was after midnight before arriving back at the campsite. (I waited in the truck because I was very cold.) With it barely looking like dusk out, we started a fire by the water and ate s’mores and hung out.  Lisa and I turned in around 1:30 and the guys (just our husbands) followed an hour later.  We had an unbelievable day. 

One of Layne's many fishies...this dude was UUUGGGGAAALLLYYY!!! (BUT YUUMMMYY!)

My first fish! (there will be many more... those salmon better watch out!) :P

Layne frying up some of our fish! 


Never thought I'd have a view like this!

Our view from the campsite at 1:00AM!

 The only things I regret is not having the proper shoes and clothing, as my feet and ankles were numb the better half of the day! I know better now, and with the ever-changing Alaskan weather, I will ALWAYS pack with extra warm stuff…just in case! ;)  The next morning Layne and I ate at a local diner, saw some of the town of Seward and promptly left.  We were DEAD all day yesterday and turned in to bed quite early.  The weekend was one of the many and the first of many unforgettable experiences.  God’s beauty is all around us; out here, and everywhere.  Take the time to look and soak it up!  The mountains and ocean are the obvious out here, but flowers, lakes, green grass, beautiful sunsets…whatever may surround you is God’s handiwork! Be thankful. I know I am. =)


1 comment:

  1. Jenni, so glad God is blessing you and Layne with these wonderful experiences and that you are praising Him for them. I love keeping up with you this way and I love the name you chose!! It is so fitting! Keep up the posts, I feel like we are there with you each time you write! Love ya! Linda Bergman


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