Friday, June 15, 2012

I'm getting a facelift!

No, I don't mean literally.... as you can see I've changed my blog up a bit.  There is so much to learn and SO MUCH to be said for the beautiful pages other bloggers have created.  I have been at this for 3 hours now and I've barely scratched the surface on what I want my blog to look like...

Obviously I have decided to continue this beyond our road trip as a way to share my new life. And to relate to others who are military wives, Christians, craft doers,Pinterest junkies, gym rats, and food lovers alike!  I always wrote in my journal, but this is so much more fun.  Now, no need to fret, I don't get extremely personal and will leave out mundane details of my life because well, they are just that; mundane! However, I love looking at other folks' blogs and getting inspired so I thought I could maybe ONE DAY be an inspiration to others. The sky's the limit right?!

Getting down to the gritty truth....DO YOU LIKE THE NAME?? I would appreciate as much feedback as I can get! I have been racking my silly little brain for days now trying to come up with a cute and catchy name for my humble little blog. TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK!!! I'm up for suggestions!

So this is it for the day. I want your feedback. Opinions. Suggestions. I want it all!! :D

Have a wonderful friday evening and amazing weekend!


1 comment:

I sure do love hearing from you! Comments here please!