Thursday, June 14, 2012

Hello Sunshine!

      After days (and days) of nonstop rain, the sunshine finally came 9:30 pm last night! Luckily it stayed out most of the day today, which made this wonderful place look like a glowing palace. I still am taken aback by the views every time I look out the window, or step outside.  The way the sun shines on the still snowy mountain tops is breathtaking. God's beauty is literally all around us, even when it rains, because every time it rains I get to see a beautiful rainbow. =)
outside my window right now. It's 10:00pm!
 While eating lunch yesterday with my gal pal Michelle,  I was catching her up on our house drama when my phone rang.  I looked at the caller ID and my heart started pounding... it was Angela, our realtor.  "Please be good news, please be good news" raced through my mind.  After a quick hello she jumped right in.... "CONGRATULATIONS! The sellers accepted your offer!" 

                                                HUGE GRIN. HUGE SIGH OF RELIEF.

That marked the beginning to a needed and wanted end. We have a perfect little home, in a wonderful area, with THE most AMAZING views anyone could want, surrounded by friends! I was squealing and Michelle cheered... aannnd I'm pretty sure we scared everyone in Qudoba! (<-- a little tex mex place like Moe's or Chipotle)  Michelle and I left, and immediately went straight to Lowe's!!! I've got so many thoughts and ideas running through my noggin' on things needed to update our home.  The house was built in 1990 and while the owners took care of it and did MAJOR and expensive upgrades, it still needs work. Work that I am happy to take on.  I have been online looking at Lowe's, Home Depot, and of course, Pinterest getting tips and ideas on remodeling.  The biggest task is the kitchen, but I'm so excited about it.  I have dreamed of and longed for the day that I could finally have a place, a HOME, to decorate and design and let our personalities shine! ;)  We meet with the home inspector on Saturday, so we are hoping everything goes smoothly. (It should since the last inspection was done late April!)  I will be so happy to leave our TLF and move into a new home with my new hubby.
Our lovely TLF...

Thank you for all of your prayers and support.  God lead us to the perfect house that fit our needs.  He taught us a lesson in patience and an understanding that when things don't always work out, it's for a good reason.  (<--hello life lesson!) 

Today Layne was able to sneak away from work so we went and picked up his truck and as I drove away, I felt like a free woman! :P  (THANK YOU LORD! I HAVE MY CAR BACK!)  It was a pretty day and I ended up spending almost 2 hours in the commissary shopping for groceries and slowly restocking our pantry with all the items we had to throw away before our move.  You don't realize how many items and random spices, condiments, and basic ingredients you need to whip up a good meal, even a simple one! But I'll look at it positively; we are starting a new life and finally getting to live as newlyweds should. =) 

 Before I wrap it up, I got a recipe from pinterest last night and ended up making it tonight.  It is a keeper!
 Kudos to the creator- whomever that may be! Here's the link to the recipe I found...  Buffalo Chicken Garbage Bread

I changed the recipe just a bit, (took away some cheese and added jalapenos and mushrooms) but it had wonderful flavor.  With these dishes you can put just about anything in them, just like a calzone! It probably wasn't the healthiest thing to consume after a hard workout, but it was absolutely delish!

It's time to try and get some shut-eye now.  Thank goodness for these curtains! As a girl that's used to sleeping in pitch black, (I don't even like alarm clocks because they glow too much) I'm doing alright with the nonstop daylight... as long as the curtains are shut. ;)

Goodnight and blessings from Alaska!

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