Tuesday, June 12, 2012

House Hunters: Part 3


*big sigh* 
 I started today off positively and I'm ending hopeful and positive still...but the middle of the day for me was... mmeeeaahhh.  Layne and I met up with our realtor at our 3rd (which turned to 4th) choice home relatively early this morning.  I was upbeat about possibly making an offer on this home since we had literally exhausted every website that would feature new listings in Eagle River with no luck. However my upbeat attitude promptly changed as Layne realized random things about the home, location, and basic insecurities about the whole situation.  So we did not make an offer on that home.  I was not sad as much as I was bummed about having to start a whole new search in a whole new area...again.  This time we wanted to see what downtown Anchorage had to offer.  Angela, our wonderfully patient realtor pulled up a list of new homes, in good areas, around our price range for us to go through.  So we left Eagle River and drove straight into Anchorage. All we could do was look at the outside of the houses and its surroundings to try and get a feel for what it would be like.  One minute we were driving in the slums and the next we were on a clean well-kept neighborhood.  My attitude and  demeanor were just blah at this point. (the weather might've played a roll since it's been raining NON-STOP all day today!)

After viewing at least 5 homes we decided to go back to our TLF and view the list online and get it back to Angela.  After going through 12 more homes with information and pictures, we formed our list and sent it off.  Layne began to check out the folks in his squadron and their living locations when he realized we would be one of very few families living in Anchorage... my demeanor fell more.  We decided to check Alaska MLS once more "just to see if anything new had popped up" since 10pm last night when we had checked. Searching through each page was the same... seen it, seen it, too much, it's pending, seen it...nothing new, nothing new,  noth... WAIT A MINUTE... something new! We haven't seen THIS house before! Layne came over and we eagerly clicked the link to view the pictures in hopes that we hadn't forgotten and already looked at it.  Picture after picture we flipped and it was, in fact a "new listing"! (<--- I'll explain in a moment!)

Layne called Angela and she was able to squeeze us into her schedule to view the home before her next appointment.  We raced up there, saw the house and we love it. We asked how it said it was on the website for such a long time and we hadn't seen it yet.. well it had a contract on it and on closing day it didn't go through, so they just released the home back on the market yesterday! It went on the site today.... WAAHHHOOOO!!!! (I had actually viewed it MONTHS ago and saved it to view again, then it went off the site! How crazy is that?!) It's a home that fits all of our criteria well enough and has mountain views from the front and the back, and most importantly, it's in an area where we will be around our friends (especially important for me when Layne is gone). We set out to Eagle River for the THIRD time today to meet Angela and write up an offer for the house.  I am praying hard that everything works out and am SO THANKFUL we saw it and put something in before it was snatched up! (seriously, the market out here is crazy... I don't think they know what an economic crisis is!) 
We all have a good feeling about this home, and I pray the feeling stays.  I'm again, trying not to get too excited, but I just can't help it! All in all, it was an eventful day and I know that my God is in control and His plan is perfect.  Whatever happens I know that it will be OK. 

Sorry for the lack of pictures in this post, but I needed to just write tonight.  I have pictures of the home, but will not be posting them until after we are (hopefully!) the owners. ;)  


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