Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Tuxedo Pumpkin Cookies

Alright folks, here is the recipe! These cookies are UH-MAY-ZIINNNGGGG!!!!!!

I have listed the original recipes and the changes I made to "healthify" it! Hope ya'll enjoy them as much as my hubby and I (and friends did)!!

                                  Tuxedo Pumpkin Cookies (makes 3 dozen cookies)[Original recipe courtesy of familyfreshmeals.com]

Original Recipe:                               My Changes:

(for 3 dozen cookies)               (I halved the recipe and still made 2 dozen cookies!)

2 c all-purpose flour----->         3/4 c whole wheat flour and 1/4 c almond flour
1/2 tsp ground cinnamon----->   same (I love cinnamon!)
2 tsp pumpkin pie spice----->     1 tsp pps
1/2 tsp salt----->                      1/4 tsp low sodium salt
1 tsp baking soda----->              1/2 tsp baking soda
1 c sugar  ----->                        1/2 c splenda/organic cane sugar/stevia (your choice)
1 c brown sugar----->                 1/2 c splenda brown sugar
1 c unsalted butter----->             1/2 c MASHED BANANAS! (2 small bananas)
1 TB vanilla extract----->            1/2 Tb vanilla extract
1 c pumpkin puree----->             1/2 c pumpkin puree   
1 egg----->                      1 egg white
1 c chocolate chips------>           I c of chips all together- I used dark, white, and mini milk chips
1/2 c white chocolate chips-----> see above ^^
2 c rolled oats----->                   1 1/2 c oats

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.  Line baking sheet with parchment paper. 
In a large bowl whisk together flours, baking soda, cinnamon, pumpkin pie spice, and salt.
Using a mixer (preferably- mixture gets very thick!) beat butter (bananas) and sugars until well blended.
Add pumpkin, egg, and vanilla.
Gradually add dry ingredients and mix well.
Stir in oats, mixing well.
Stir in chocolate chips.

Drop onto baking sheet and cook until lightly brown.  (14-15 mins) *

*Note- if using the new recipe, reduce cooking time by 2-3 mins.  I set my timer for 10 mins then checked them. 
They needed roughly 12 mins to cook in oven, then keep on pan for another minute or two.*

I may add various chopped nuts and raisins next time too!)
The cookies will be lumpy and very soft (if not overcooked)!!

ENJOY (without the guilt!)

the batter is thick so use a mixer if you have one!

the finished product! YUM!

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