Wednesday, August 15, 2012

My Passion

Whooo boy what a crazy couple of weeks this has been!! I cannot believe we have been in our new home over a month now! I'm so sorry I've been MIA, but the to-do list for the house, the social gatherings, the exploring, and the business has kept me away.  =(

 I've been wanting to write this specific post for at least 2 weeks now, it's my passion and a bit of my heart.

There are many of you who know me really well, have watched me grow up from various ages, and know my heart.  But many of you may not.  So here it a little bit about me, or should I say one aspect of who I am and what I love.   Growing up everyone is asked the same questions in various forms, but is usually "what do you want to do when you grow up/graduate college/after you marry him [her]?"  My response has always been, "well, I'm not sure exactly...but I want to work around people and help people.  I just really want to help people!"  So of course you are thinking, ok so become a nurse.  That route is NOT for me (for multiple reasons actually), but God put best friends and family in my life who are nurses so I think that is as close as I'll ever come.  :) haha   But my heart, my desire, my passion has always been to be somebody who can help others and while growing up I didn't know how I was going to do that.  I wasn't called to be a nurse, I have not felt the call to be a permanent missionary (though I've done several mission trips and loved every minute of it), and I've NEVER wanted to be in an office at a desk 24/7.  **please know I'm not knocking a desk job and I have huge admiration for those who work in a atmosphere like that.  My dad has worked a "desk job" my entire life to provide for my family and I am honored at his diligence and humbleness in it.**

So after graduating college with a degree I knew I'd never use (I have a BFA because I didn't know then what I wanted to get my degree in...) and almost 2 years of trying to find a "real job", my parents said "Jenni, why don't you become a personal trainer? You are always in the gym and love fitness and showing people how to work out, so why not get your certification?"  *AHA!* So I set out in finding the right process to go through and a legitimate company to gain my certification in.  Not only that, but I had started using products by Advocare the last year or so of college.  I joined the company to get a discount on my products mainly, but to share what I was doing if anyone were to ask.  I didn't really go beyond that.  But after using products steadily, graduating college and not having a gym to work out at, then coming home to live, I was constantly being asked what I was doing to lose weight.  Due to my lack of gym and steady exercise, all I could pin it on was the products... I wasn't TRYING to lose weight per se, I just knew how healthy and good they were for me,  so I incorporated them in my daily regimen to get the extra nutrition I wasn't getting from my food.  People also commented on how I was "shrinking" and all I can say to that was Catalyst

So back to my heart: In the past year or so I began to look at Advocare more seriously.  I attended some events, heard from others who have been doing the business side, and met some of the doctors, nutritionists, and athletic coaches who were involved in Advocare.  I was happy, very happy to hear their personal testimony's and stories. This wasn't a company looking a dollar signs first.  They were just like me, wanting to HELP others,  improve lives, and pay their bills.  I know many people slough off any kind of business that runs primarily through the internet and sounds like a MLM pyramid scheme... I know. I've been there. I've ignored other people "just trying to sell me something" too.  I get it.  Thing is, the deeper I've dug into the roots and foundation of Advocare, the more in love with this company I've become.  The founder created it for his family and for a way to help others improve their lives and earn a living.  It's most definitely not a get rich quick scheme like some (or many) believe.  Advocare actually means Advocates Caring for people.  Watch the video on Charlie Ragus, the founder of Advocare and be inspired.  He also had a passion for wanting to help people, just like I do.  The thing I can't figure out is why people so quickly shoo away those of us working an "abnormal job" who have a strong desire to simply HELP.  The people behind Advocare, working for Advocare are no different than the people sitting behind a desk (at a "real job") because at the end of the day we are all simply trying to earn a living...  Yet I know from being around HUNDREDS of other Advocare reps, they care about quality of life.  Not a single person I've met hates going in to work or is just trying to pound the pavement like a used car salesmen to screw you over and take your money.   They are PASSIONATE about helping others and passionate about improving lives- we are only given ONE body so put good into it.  (and I can guarantee that they feel ten times better than those who work at "normal" job!!) Advocare supports our troops with Operation Homefront as well! (which I obviously love even more-so now that I'm a military spouse!)

  I honestly think if we opened up stores like a GNC then people would buy product and not care.    But since the founder didn't want to be bought out and wanted to keep it for the "advocates" to share by word of mouth, and to keep integrity, it automatically becomes (to some) a big scheme. (and I know plenty of fake sites out there so that's also why its hard to trust anything on the internet)  It's frustrating because many will go to Wal-Mart, or GNC, or some other website and purchase items that 1: they don't really know what's in them and 2: the employee working there probably doesn't care about you or WHAT you buy. I care. It breaks my heart when I hear about friends who are trying to lose weight and struggle or lose weight and use something cheap from Wal-Mart and end up with awful side effects.  I have friends who hardly eat anything and live everyday worried more about how they LOOK instead of how healthy they are (which in reality is the best way to look).  Losing weight or even gaining weight is such a tough thing and a mental thing, it's hard to go through it alone.  Everyone I've met so far in the Advocare family cares.  That's what I love about it and why I'm so passionate about it.  I love rejoicing with people who have done the 24 Day Challenge and seen the weight drop and inches lost. They feel great and are excited and THAT is rewarding for me! The products work and are SAFE.  I encourage people to analyze the website, read the ingredients, check out the science behind it: the doctors, nutritionists, sports advisors, etc who develop the products! You can ask questions and get an answer.  You can know that what you are putting into your body is safe and checked by a separate company, Informed Choice for anything that could be harmful or hazardous! (does GNC do that?!)

I simply want to help.  Being a personal trainer is very rewarding and working out/being active is necessary to our lives, but it's also in what we put in our bodies.  That's why I'm doing Advocare.  God has laid in me a desire to help, and this is the way I know how.  If' it's not for you then it's totally fine, but at least you know why I'm doing it.  Not to annoy you, not to rob you of your money, and definitely not to make you "one more person" who bought from me, but to help you achieve whatever goals you have for your own body and your own life.  

I am sorry if that seemed like a huge rant, but if people only knew where many of us were coming from and why I was reaching out or why I was suggesting Advocare they'd be less afraid.  I'm a person who is always here if you need me.  I'm always going to try and help in any way I can.  I'm just glad to know I can work for a company who has the same passions and can lift each other up in a God- honoring atmosphere.  =) 

I hope you all (whomever is still reading this anyways) have a wonderful Wednesday! Remember to get out and move: doing SOMETHING is better than NOTHING! God Bless!!

More updates and pictures on my house will follow!

tah tah,


  1. I am really proud of this post. You have already helped me with my weight loss goals. I am happy you found something that you like to do and we all know if you love what you do, you never work a day in your life. Good luck with this girl! It's especially great for you because as a military wife you can take it everywhere with you.


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