Wednesday, June 6, 2012

House Hunters

  "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God." PHIL 4:6

Today ends our second full day here in Anchorage.  Yesterday was absolutely beautiful.  It was 65 degrees, the sun was shining, and it was our first day to start shopping for our new home.  We had a list of homes from the realtor and chose the ones we were interested in from greatest to least.  We were able to see 5 or 6 homes with the realtor then Layne and I kept driving around, exploring the area we are hoping to live in, Eagle River.  The town is about 15 minutes from the base and is apparently THE location to live, especially if you are military. So this is the area we are searching.  It is very cute and can actually be called a town! We chose 2 homes we liked yesterday, going back to one we really liked and could see ourselves in.  We found out later that an offer had been made! Good homes in this area go QUICKLY. The economy has not affected Alaska's market at all, so Layne and I realized we must act a bit faster once we find a home we both love. 

As we drove around looking through the neighborhoods and taking in the beautiful backdrop of the mountains,  we were entertained watching as kids ran around in their bathing suits, running through the sprinklers, and having water balloon fights! It was funny because 65 degrees is HOT to they haven't even come CLOSE to feeling hot weather. (and I reckon I haven't come close to feeling their cold weather either!)  We started to explore the downtown area of Anchorage and realized we had made a bad decision... it was rush hour time and we were looking at traffic backed up for miles.   Instead of exploring we turned around so we could get out of there! Maybe this weekend we'll be able to see the sights a bit more. =)

Today was the exact opposite.  It was a cool 50 degrees, rainy, and gross outside, but we were able to look at 8 more houses and fell in love with 2 more.  After going over the pros and cons of each house, talking with our realtor, and realizing that good homes don't stay on the market long, we decided to get the ball rolling with our number one home.  At this cute and homey coffee shop called Jitters, we drank our coffee, crunched some numbers, and finally put in an offer on an amazing house.  Now begins the waiting game and we pray that it will work out in our favor and the price point will be met.  I never thought that after only 2 days of searching for my very first home, we would not only find something that would suit us, but find a home I could only dream of owning! I'm not going to say more because it's still a long way out, but I'm excited through this new experience nonetheless.  I know the Lord will provide and work it all out accordingly, which explains the above verse that has frequented my mind the past few weeks.  How blessed I am indeed- through the best of days and the worst of days I pray I will never forget His riches on my life. 

tah-tah for now!


  1. HI Jenni and Layne,
    We wish you the very best in your adventures and finding the home of your dreams. If you don't journal, may I suggest it as a way to remember your experiences 20-30,40 years from now and trust me it will put many a smile on your face and warmth in your heart with each memory you create. Enjoy your new life and each other wherever you find yourselves. Love ya, Great Auntie Suzanne & Unc Harry

  2. Jenni it has been so much fun reading of your traveling experience!!!! I have laughed with you and praised God with you over your expressions of His beautiful creation!!!!
    May the Lord Jesus continue to bless you and Layne with wisdom from His word and a voice that continues to praise Him!!!
    I love you,


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